If you haven’t looked at your home loan for the past couple years, now is a great time to save some money. In the last few years, you might have had a pay rise or your property has gone up in value. Interest rates and policies of lenders are constantly changing which means you can take advantage and get a better deal. Maybe your kitchen is looking a little worn around the edges or you finally have the time to take the family overseas. These are all great reasons to talk to one of our brokers to see how you could save money or even use your equity to achieve you goals such as renovating or travel.
There are so many opportunities and incentives to build your dream house or build your investment property. If you’re looking at building – we can guide you through the process. Building your home can be daunting, but the GAFA team has done this all before and can make sure you feel comfortable by getting you the appropriate finance and celebrating with you when your building is complete.
Buying property in your superannuation fund is an increasingly popular strategy. We are able to help you get the finance and we will work closely with your advisors to achieve your goal.
There is a range of business finance such as purchasing your own premise, overdrafts, factoring and business expansion. Jenel has had extensive experience in commercial finance and can help with lending from basic loans to complex, she has managed it all and can ensure you have the right finance in place.
A type of home loan used in retirement as a way for people to access the equity in their home. The loan amount depends on your age, the value of the home and how it is taken (lump sum, regular payments or draw down as needed). Interest is added to the loan and does not have to be repaid until the house is sold, usually as part of a deceased estate. For more information, please contact us or visit: https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/superannuation-and-retirement/income-sources-in-retirement/home-equity-release/reverse-mortgages.
Explore our range of insurance options that can help protect what matters. We can help you with Home & Contents, Car, Landlord and many more, contact us for a quote.
Conveyancing is the term for the legal and statutory processes required to effect the transfer of ownership of real estate from one person to another. The preparation, execution, verification and lodgement of numerous legal documents are important elements of conveyancing. A good conveyancer will explain clearly the meaning and importance of each process, using plain English (not complicated legal terms) to help you understand exactly what’s involved and what documentation you are signing. Drawing upon your instructions, we will also assist you to meet your legal obligations and protect your rights and interests. GAFA can organise this for you through our business partners
Though our Business Partners GAFA can assit you will having your affairs in order and organising a will. Your will tells everyone what should happen to your money, possessions and property after you die (all these things together are called your ‘estate’). If you don’t leave a will, the law decides how your estate is passed on – and this might not be in line with your wishes.
Through our Partners we also offer financial planner for our clients.